Sunday, November 6, 2011

Digitalmars D version 2 a fresh look

A few years ago I spotted the D language and was quite impressed by it, although the division of standard library, the development of a new 2.0 version and the stale state of many libraries stopped from active usage of it.

Now a lot of things changed, the 2.0 version is more or less stable and there's a GNU D compiler for this version and it's actively developed/supported, and even planned to be maintained as one of the GNU Compiler Collection. I wish it come true.

Having reviewed the specs for the D 2.0 I should admit that the language is engineered VERY thoroughly, with many features I was missing in Java and C++, it's clean and rich at the same time.

At first I was planning to use LDC compiler for D 1.0 because failed to compile GDC for MacOSX, but then I decided to start coding something useful for Linux only to study the language, and probably later there will be a viable implementation for MacOSX. The official implementation (DMD) can compile only 32-bit binaries for MacOSX, that's why I'm concerned on alternative implementations like GDC, LDC2...

Here's the link to the site:

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